Testimonials for the love of fruits [7] |
1 | Nicovan from Dallas, Maine on Monday May.28.2007 10:05pm
Well, Juancintia, I'm not quite sure about the durain (you'd have to ask Ailatan about that one) but the ugli fruit was hybridized so its not available in grocery stores all too often but I've had to opertunity to purchase a couple on a few occasions and I absolutely fell in love with them! I'm a huge fan of citris so it was a match made in heaven. :]
Lovely to hear from you,
Nicovan :D |
2 | Juacintia from Miami, Florida on Monday May.28.2007 12:05pm
WOW!!! Ailatan and Nicovan, I've never met people from Iceland before. This website is really cool. I've never heard of the ugli fruit or durain. Where can I buy them??????? Do they really taste as good as you say????
Well please write back soon.
$$$Juacintia Hortez$$$$%% |
3 | Ailatan from Dallas, Maine on Monday May.28.2007 12:05pm
Hello my good fruit friends. I am excited to be part of this fruit loving society and will cherish you as my kinsmen. I learned about ilovefruits.com from my good friend Nicovan. We grew up together in Hofn, Iceland and we did not get to enjoy the harvest of the earth (fruits). Nicovan rescued me from the communist society of Iceland and now I reside with her in Dallas, Maine. But, unlike her, I do not have a love of the Ugli fruit, but I am totally in LOVE with the durain. It has a nutty, yet suprisingly sweet taste.
Has anyone else tried the Durain and Grass Nut Casserole?
Please write back to obtain the great recipe.
Ailatan Qwatvainschniger
4 | Nikki Veggieburger from Dallas, Maine on Sunday May.27.2007 06:05pm
I am originally from Iceland and we did not get many fresh fruits there, but now that I live in the USA, I LOVE THEM!!! I am especially enthused by the Ugli Fruit. Alhough it maybe "ugli," it has a great taste. I also enjoy that its not as bitter as a grapefruit, but has delightfully sweet taste like the tangerine. Does anyone know of any recepies in which I could use the ugli fruit with chicken? Please respond! Sincerely, Nicovan (Nikki) ^_^ |
5 | DAN from IL. on Saturday May.19.2007 12:05pm
Apples and bananas! !! :> |
6 | John from Maryland on Saturday May.19.2007 12:05pm
Are fruits good for you? My mom says they are but I don't believe her. |
7 | Ann from Missouri on Saturday May.19.2007 12:05pm
How are fruits formed and where do most of the fruits in the world come from? |